One year after: The impact of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine to SE Europe

One year after: The impact of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine to SE Europe

Russia’s invasion to Ukraine, a cataclysmic geopolitical event which has thrown the whole world in turmoil, even more so in neighbouring regions like SE Europe. Top ranking diplomats and foreign affairs Ministers discuss the impact of the war in Ukraine on national and regional level and assess future scenarios

Artemis Malo, Deputy Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Republic of Albania

H.E. Cyrille Baumgartner, Ambassador of France to the Republic of North Macedonia
H.E. Andrea Silvestri, Italian Ambassador to the Republic of North Macedonia
H.E. Sophia Philippidou, Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to the Republic of North Macedonia

H.E. Ami Larsson Jain, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Republic of North Macedonia
Chair: Sanja Vasik, Journalist