H.E. Ami Larsson Jain

Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Republic of North Macedonia

H.E. Ami Larsson Jain

Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Republic of North Macedonia


Positions in the Diplomatic Service
Ambassador to North Macedonia – 1 Sept 2022
Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Sweden – 2018-2022, Pretoria, South Africa
Head of Section for Southern, Central and Eastern Africa, Africa Department –2016-2018, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Stockholm (incl. temporary role as Deputy Head of the Africa Department in 2018)
Deputy Director, Africa Department – 2014-2016, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Stockholm
Parental leave – 2013-2014
Deputy Director, EU Department – 2012-2013, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Stockholm
Parental leave – 2011-2012
First Secretary, Embassy of Sweden – 2006-2011, London, United Kingdom
Desk Officer, EU Secretariat – 2005-2006, Prime Minister’s Office, Stockholm
Diplomatic Training Program and Desk Officer, EU Department – 2002-2005, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Stockholm
Position outside the Government Offices
Researcher – 2001-2002, APCO Europe (EU Public Affairs Consultancy), Brussels

Master of Science in European Politics and Policy, London School of Economics (LSE), London, United Kingdom – 1999-2000
Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, Stockholm University 1996-1999, Stockholm, Sweden, incl. studies at Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), Paris, France – 1997-1998
Graduated from Nacka Gymnasium (Upper Secondary School), Stockholm, Sweden – 1994

English – fluent
French – good command

Family and interests
Ami is married to Romit Jain and they have three children.

All sessions by H.E. Ami Larsson Jain